Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

St.Luke, Holy Family, St. Christine, St. Joseph and St. Charles is blessed with a wonderful group of teachers that excel at their work. Their passion for their students translates into a nurturing and dynamic classroom environment where children thrive. Our faculty is supported by a staff of individuals that keep things running smoothly every day.

St. Luke

Name Position Email
Pam Jadue Director pjadue@youngstowndiocese.org
Coleen Dannessa Office Manager cdannessa@youngstowndiocese.org
Michelle Faunda Teacher/Office Assistant mfaunda@youngstowndiocese.org
Christine Kennedy Teacher ckennedy@youngstowndiocese.org
Sharon Kraynak Teacher skraynak@youngstowndiocese.org
Colleen Loney Teacher cloney@youngstowndiocese.org
Sara Klucher Assistant
Judy Ricciardi Teacher jricciardi@youngstowndiocese.org
Andrea Timko Assistant
Judy Huber Assistant
Mary Ann Critell Music Director

Holy Family

Name Position Email
Maria Hayes Director/Teacher mhayes@youngstowndiocese.org
Debra Loboy Assistant

St. Christine

Name Position Email
Mary Ann Durkin Director/Teacher mdurkin@youngstowndiocese.org
Karen Gerchak Teacher kgerchak@youngstowndiocese.org
Barbara Peart Assistant
Ashley Metzinger Assistant

St. Joseph

Name Position Email
Celeste Chance Director/Teacher cchance@youngstowndiocese.org
Jennifer Hlasta Teacher jhlasta@youngstowndiocese.org
Angie Barber Assistant
Addie Fellenger Teacher afellenger@youngstowndiocese.org
Grace Lape Teacher glape@youngstowndiocese.org
Cheri Metzinger Assistant
Nicole Whorten Assistant

St. Charles

Name Position Email
Margaret Lawson Director/Teacher mlawson@youngstowndiocese.org
Jackie Giambattista Assistant
Patti Polite Assistant
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